Four Business KPIs Influenced by Accessibility
Four Business KPIs Influenced by Accessibility

Four Business KPIs Influenced by Accessibility

Four Business KPIs Influenced by Accessibility

Discover How Making Your Business Accessible Can Maximize Potential and Drive Success
Discover How Making Your Business Accessible Can Maximize Potential and Drive Success
By Michele Paris, Marketing and Communications Manager
On the right, a photo of two women in a workplace. One woman is standing and leaning over a table covered with papers and sticky notes, while the other woman is sitting and smiling at the camera. On the left, text reads: "Drive Success, Business Performance KPIs influenced by accessibility.
On the right, a photo of two women in a workplace. One woman is standing and leaning over a table covered with papers and sticky notes, while the other woman is sitting and smiling at the camera. On the left, text reads: "Drive Success, Business Performance KPIs influenced by accessibility.
May 29th 2024

There is significant research to suggest that organizations that incorporate accessibility as a core component of their overall business strategy experience substantially higher levels of success compared to those that overlook it.1 In our recently published "Business Case For Accessibility" (Available Here), we highlight how accessibility has a strong impact on multiple key performance indicators.

In terms of tangible benefits, companies that champion accessibility have been shown to outperform their peers in several key metrics. According to a 2020 study by Accenture2, businesses that actively engage in disability inclusion achieve, on average, 28% higher revenue, double the net income, and 30% higher profit margins than their counterparts. Furthermore, improving website accessibility can increase conversion rates by up to 50%, demonstrating a direct link between accessible digital experiences and enhanced financial performance. These statistics underscore the competitive advantage gained through accessibility, highlighting its critical role in fostering inclusive growth and sustainable success.

The positive impact of prioritizing accessibility permeates all facets of the organization, driving improvements across multiple key performance indicators. Specifically, the four crucial business performance areas that are profoundly influenced by a strong commitment to accessibility include:


When businesses prioritize accessibility, they foster an environment ripe for innovation. By designing products and services that accommodate a diverse range of needs, companies encourage creative problem-solving and out-of-the-box thinking.

Brand perception

A commitment to accessibility significantly boosts brand perception. Consumers today are increasingly conscious of corporate social responsibility and are more likely to support companies that demonstrate a genuine commitment to inclusivity.

Market reach

Accessibility opens doors to previously untapped market segments. By creating products and services that are accessible to individuals with disabilities, companies can reach a larger and often underserved demographic.

Risk management

Proactively addressing accessibility also helps mitigate risks associated with regulatory compliance. With the rise of stringent accessibility laws globally, businesses that fail to meet these standards risk legal challenges, fines, and reputational damage.

In other words those organizations that put accessibility at their core find that they are more innovative, brand perception is positive, they grow broader market reach and they reduce corporate risk of falling foul of regulations.

If you are interested in learning more about how accessibility drives business success, you can download our exclusive “Business Case For Accessibility Report” here, where we take a deeper dive in all the crucial business performance areas that are strongly influenced by accessibility.


  1. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/bsl.629
  2. https://www.accenture.com/content/dam/accenture/final/a-com-migration/pdf/pdf-142/accenture-enabling-change-getting-equal-2020-disability-inclusion-report.pdf